Charlotte Mason Method Homeschool

Learn about Charlotte Mason, and the key benefits of her method.

Emily Jones avatar
Written by Emily Jones
Updated over a week ago

What is the Charlotte Mason Method?

The Charlotte Mason Approach is a philosophy of education that was developed in the late 19th century in England by the British educator and author, Charlotte Mason. The Charlotte Mason Approach emphasizes the importance of developing good habits, a love of learning, the joys of a slow childhood, and a respect for the individual. Charlotte's method is based on the belief that children should be exposed to a wide range of subjects and experiences, and that learning should be enjoyable and meaningful each day. Charlotte's method of homeschooling is becoming increasingly popular among homeschoolers for all of the right reasons, as it provides a holistic approach to education that is tailored to the individual needs of each child.

There are 20 main principles of Charlotte Mason, but the main 5 key principles of the Charlotte Mason method include:

1. Children are Born with Personalities. Charlotte emphasizes that children are born persons just like adults. Charlotte firmly believed that children are born with natural curiosity, and with a personalized and unique character set right from birth. They come naturally into the world with energy, and a love for life.

2. Children have a Will to be Good or Bad: Children are born with free will and they have the choice to make good or bad, right or wrong decisions. If we as adults teach them good character traits, they will clearly see right from wrong.

3. Teach Children to Respect Authority: Charlotte believed that we should teach children self control through the reality that they will be guided by authority as children, and that they must learn boundaries. There are boundaries and authority In both the family unit, and in the community, and elders are to be respected.

4. Use Daily Tools to Teach Children: As parents, we have authority, but we should only use it to guide, and never to intimidate, manipulate, or provoke children. We should instead guide them with a gentle hand into the benefits of a daily routine, and daily habits.

5. Charlotte Mason's 3 Key Educational Ideas. "Therefore, we are limited to three educational instruments—the atmosphere of environment, the discipline of habit, and the presentation of living ideas. The P.N.E.U. Motto is: “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life." ~ Charlotte Mason

The key benefits of homeschooling with the Charlotte Mason Method include:

1. Focus on Nature Study

The Charlotte Mason Method of homeschooling emphasizes the importance of connecting learning to the natural world. This approach encourages children to explore the outdoors and to observe and learn from their environment. Charlotte's staple in her methods insisted that children should be exposed to and rooted in the beautiful natural world and encouraged to explore the company of nature, and observe the environment around them.

2. Development of a Love for Learning

The Charlotte Mason Method also encourages the gentle art of learning. This approach emphasizes the importance of providing children with interesting and engaging materials that will spark their curiosity and inspire them to explore and learn with new breadth and knowledge of the natural world. Charlotte Mason believed that children should be encouraged to develop a delightful love of learning and to take pleasure in their studies. She encouraged parents to provide a variety of interesting and stimulating materials for their children to explore including classical writings, and hands on manipulatives.

3. Development of Self-Discipline and Responsibility

Charlotte encourages children to develop a strong sense of self-discipline and responsibility. This approach encourages children to take ownership of their learning and to be accountable for their progress. Charlotte Mason promoted that habits are simply the foundation of character and that children should be taught to develop good habits such as punctuality, orderliness, and self-discipline.

4. Emphasis on Quality Literature

The Charlotte Mason Method encourages children to read and explore a variety of classic and contemporary literature, which can help to broaden their understanding of the world and to develop their critical thinking skills. For example, Charlotte Mason encourages the writings of Shakespeare and other timeless pieces to enrich learning. The staple of the Charlotte Mason approach is the art of living books. Charlotte was adamant that children should be exposed to quality literature and that books should be chosen carefully. Charlotte encouraged parents to provide their children with “living books” – books that are written in an engaging and interesting style and that provide a window into the world.

5. Encouragement of Independent Thinking

The Charlotte Mason Method encourages children (and the Charlotte Mason homeschool teacher) to think deeply and research independently. This approach encourages children to explore their own ideas and to develop and reform their own opinions. Parents should foster independent thinking by encouraging their children to explore their own ideas and to develop their own opinions. Additionally, parents should also provide their children with the opportunity to take ownership of their learning and to be accountable for their progress. Parents and educators should encourage their children to reflect on their learning experiences. This can include discussing what they have learned, writing about their experiences, and sharing their thoughts and opinions to reflect on lessons learned.

Parents have been very happy to learn how to incorporate Charlotte Mason Homeschool method and her curriculum in every day life, and we hope you find the Charlotte Mason approach beneficial as well!

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