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Discovering your Child's Learning Style
Discovering your Child's Learning Style

7 types of learning styles. Our children are unique, and their learning style reflects their personalities.

Emily Jones avatar
Written by Emily Jones
Updated over a week ago

There are NEVER one size fits all learning styles for any child, and our teaching methods, and curriculum should reflect the uniqueness of our children. Below are 7 learning styles that you may be able to identify in your child.

1. The Kinesthetic Learner

Taking a physically active role, kinesthetic learners are hands-on and thrive when taking on a physically active role. Kinesthetic learners love to use all of their senses while doing work.


  • Likes physical rewards

  • In motion most of the time

  • Likes to touch people when talking

  • Taps pencil or foot when studying

  • Enjoys doing activities

  • Reading not a priority

  • Will try new things

  • Outgoing by nature; expresses emotions by physical means

  • Uses hands while talking

  • Dresses for comfort

  • Poor speller

  • Likes to solve problems by physically working through them

2. The Visual and Spatial Learner

Visual learners benefit most from information that is presented to them through graphics. Visual learners are better able to retain information when it’s presented to them in a graphic depiction, such as arrows, charts, diagrams, symbols, and more. Visual learners might be organized or creative in their application and find things like colors and shapes useful.


  • Doodles

  • Quiet by nature

  • Meticulous, neat in appearance

  • Notices details

  • Memorizes by seeing graphics or pictures

  • Not too distractible

  • Finds verbal instruction difficult

  • Has good handwriting

  • Remembers faces

  • Mind sometimes strays during verbal activities

  • Observe rather than acts or talks

  • Likes to read

  • Usually a good speller

  • Uses advanced planning

3. The Auditory Learner

Auditory learners learn best when examples and learning is explained to them through the spoken word. Auditory learners are drawn to music and group learning as a way to gather information and respond productively in their environment. Auditory learners often have a high aptitude for distinguishing notes and tones in music and speech.


  • Talks to self out loud

  • Enjoys talking

  • Easily distracted

  • Whispers to self while reading

  • Likes to be read to

  • Memorizes sequentially

  • Distracted by noise

  • Hums or sings

  • Outgoing by nature

  • Enjoys listening activities

  • Has difficulty with written directions

  • Enjoys music

4. The Verbal Learner

Verbal learners might have a preference for reading and writing, word games and poems. Verbal learners know the meanings of a broad category of words, can use them effectively, and actively seek out new words to add to their vocabulary.


  • Can learn new languages with ease

  • May have difficulty spelling or visualizing information

  • Excellent verbal expression

  • Enjoy reading to self and others

  • Can learn new words easily

  • Possess a rich vocabulary

  • Tend to flourish in reading and writing activities

  • Dislike silence and enjoy participating in groups

5. The Social Learner

Social learners show preference towards groups and collaboration. Some, but not all, will gravitate towards leadership within a group.


  • Extraverted

  • Good communicator

  • Sensitive and empathetic

  • Tends hang out with large groups of people

  • Does well with study groups or any sort of collaborative activities

  • Struggles with working alone, especially on projects

  • Asks many questions

  • They prefer social activities

  • They are good at understanding others, interpreting tone, gestures and faces

  • They are natural leaders

  • They usually don’t have trouble making new friends

6. The Solitary and Interpersonal Learner

Solidary learners would much rather prefer the company of themselves, rather than others. Solitary Learners do their best work when they are in a quiet space with nobody else around to distract them. These are self-motivated learners that like to set individual goals and prefer to study by themselves with their own thoughts and ideas rather than with others that intrude on those thoughts. They are very self-aware of their own strength and weaknesses. Often times, these are introverted individuals, but that is not always the case.


  • Struggles in opening up to others

  • Excellent self-management skills

  • Has a strong sense of self

  • Highly independent

  • Keeps a journal or diary

  • Enjoys spending time alone

  • Struggles in large crowds and noisy rooms

  • Likes to set goals and make plans

7. The Logical and Mathematical Learner

Logical/mathematical learners are prone to categorizing and classifying things. These types of learners find it easier to understand numbers, patterns, and equations, rather than more abstract and artistic concepts, like poetry and art.


  • Are highly investigative and curious

  • Prefer visuals over words

  • Are highly goal oriented

  • Like to keep detailed planners and organizers

  • Enjoy playing strategy-based games

  • Seek out rules and procedures

  • May struggle writing creatively

  • May have difficulty seeing big-picture

In conclusion, our children are one of a kind. Identifying learning styles is helpful, and you may see your child more than one of these styles above. You may also notice patterns in your child that may not be on this list, and that is perfect too!

The Home Tribe Team

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